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Keyboard idea for arrow key gamers.
In the "Fireside Chat" video posted today, you said that we can use Alienware Area to give you input about new ideas or products we want you to make.
How about a keyboard that will allow gamers who use the arrow keys for movement to have more useable keys by simply moving a group of keys a tiny bit.
If you look up "keyboard 5107", you will find this keyboard with branding from HP or Compaq.
(Continued in comments because of dumb character limit)
Does Dell no longer let you convert Dell reward points into Dell dollars? On the Dell site, in the "Dell Rewards" section , there is a button that says "redeem your points" under your balance. When I click that, it just goes to a page and tells me that there are no offers available and there is no option to convert the points to Dell dollars. I searched all over the Dell site and can't find any way to convert the points.
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