If you are reading this, know it's here just for the ARP points. And still, it's barely working, cause this is the worst quest they created.
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I thought this month AWA got it right with Hotline Miami. A good old game with enough keys for everyone that had interest get something from the vault. But I was wrong, even the old games must had no more than 100 keys. Why create this chaos every month with few keys for newer games if everyone would be happy getting a key for a good old game?
This month I got a key from the game vault, but it was the same hot mess from every month. The page crashed, the confirm button did nothing, but unlike last month, this time when I checked my rewards page the key for Planet Coaster 2 was there. Just luck, I guess.
OK, so I've Open the Vault page in the exact second it opende, claimed Space Marine II and nothing happened. Opened another page, the site was down. 30s latter, refreshed and Space Marine II was gone, Tomb Raider was gone and Cat Quest III was gone. Looked at my rewards page and no key. It really sucks
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