Discover the unknown
Collect artifacts and activate to benefit from their powers.

Pn295 Collapsed Star
An extremely unstable element used in the construction of Sylphin armor.
When activated, this card increases the amount of ARP you can earn for completing Twitch quests by 15.
First Contact
When set is active, gain an additional 1 ARP for each daily calendar claim.
When set is active, changes your username color in the forums.

Chai Stone H`erkow Display
Beautiful and radiant when in their pristine form, Chai Stones are a sign of opulence and prestige.
When activated, this card grants 6 additional ARP for each daily calendar claim.
The Stanley Excavation
When set is active, an additional 5 ARP is added to Steam quest completions.
When set is active, the cost of items in the Marketplace is reduced by 15%.

H`erkow Orb Reactor
Over a millennian of advancement has led to the greatest discovery in interstellar travel. It defies the natural law by negating any aspect of entropy. So far, only the H`erkow understand how to use and control it.
When activated, this card increases all ARP earned by 25%.
Active Perks
Increases the amount of ARP you can earn for completing Twitch quests by 15.
6 additional ARP for each daily calendar claim.
Increases all ARP earned by 25%.
It's not what you say, it's how you say it.