Hey peeps :D, just curious if anyone else is having issues with their avatar customizations? Specifically the top, item, and feet? I can get the facial hair to work (not the bunny ears :(), the sandles, and the jeans. Anything else says "avatar saved" but doesn't apply. I tried a different browser and clearing cache.. but nope :(
DementedPR - 04.04.2024 05:10:38
Yes.... it's annoying as hell!
AySz88 - 04.04.2024 06:25:42
Yep, same here.... Figured it was teething issues with the "new" site?
Quasarborn - 04.04.2024 06:57:52
For sure having this issue. Reloading CTRL F5ing it does nothing. just keeps removing the item.
kolja300 - 04.04.2024 08:10:23
yeah, i cant equip some items
devJSM - 04.05.2024 00:06:13
Just wanted to make sure that it wasn't on my end haha. I posted about it in the Discord a few days ago so hopefully it'll be fixed soon :D
Halliday666 - 04.06.2024 07:03:39
none of my items stay on. they all get removed.
MaybeNakedGuy - 04.06.2024 14:10:35
AFAIK this was an issue for at least since the "new site" got released
Gaymer49426 - 04.06.2024 15:08:16
Indeed! My Viking pigtails are too tight (small). Skål!