I believe this "Discretionary Award" is for the missing Twitch points.
0 / 240
01.30.2024 20:21:19 - krishtian -
Interesting...don't see it at my end though, maybe it's a reimburcement for any of the badges your purchased before?
01.30.2024 20:28:51 - d0h! -
yeah i believe too that its an reimbursement
01.30.2024 21:18:12 - frank479 -
Same. Not seeing it here, either.
01.30.2024 22:41:15 - ❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ -
Badges probably.
01.31.2024 01:14:05 - MASTERHAENIR -
It's not the badges. I've already received them (700 points, i guess).
01.31.2024 03:12:38 - ❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ -
Did those 700 ARP match with all your purchased badges? Also... 50 ARP for 6 ARP loss... doesn't match at all, unless they want all people to get 50 ARP no matter the amount of ARP lost. (Since not all has same Artifact & Rank)
01.31.2024 04:56:38 - mitch079 -
they still haven't fixed the twitch arp issue, also don't see anything in mine
01.31.2024 05:58:26 - vicmac -
same as other comments, nothing on my end and i'm missing 6 arp per day too
01.31.2024 06:27:06 - madagascaradam -
Same for me, no discretionary award. Lucky you!
01.31.2024 19:03:32 - MASTERHAENIR -
"Did those 700 ARP match with all your purchased badges? Also... 50 ARP for 6 ARP loss... doesn't match at all, unless they want all people to get 50 ARP no matter the amount of ARP lost. (Since not all has same Artifact & Rank)" It's not o