F - lost time and forgot about Game Vault opening...and the game I was hoping for sold out...
TheShmiddy - 02.24.2024 01:28:23
Oof, at least you'll have enough ARP for next month!
Lokiator - 02.24.2024 02:49:52
If it's any consolation, Ghostrunner and Banishers were both out of stock within 15 seconds.
Thalatash - 02.24.2024 03:16:49
I got home with 30 minutes to spare, but then, 10 minutes 'til open my cats decided they were starving to death and then I got distracted cleaning a little. I remembered I was waiting for the Vault, 30 minutes later, lol.
RWarehall - 02.24.2024 04:16:22
It seems my odds were low anyway. Its better. Although I did lose 2 ARP setting my artifacts up for the Game Vault.
zakijesk - 02.24.2024 14:33:39
better luck next time