Ok, credit where credit's due! I know that the last couple of months have been kinda mid when it comes to the game-vault, but this one, hooooooly shit! V-Rising, the Tomb-Raider trilogy remastered, and freaking Warhammer Space Marine 2 (ie propably the second biggest hit this year behind Wukong)!!! I've been an Arena member for more than a year now, and i legit can't remember a better month gamevault-wise than this!
0 / 240
10.01.2024 00:53:48 - Savvasthekiller -
Even the tier 1 ones look pretty decent as well!
10.01.2024 00:55:41 - iGnome -
It's a good vault, so we must prepare for a lot of tears and hatred against those filthy botters since awa is too lazy to put a freaking captcha to claim.
10.01.2024 04:31:17 - fungoid_mass -
cool, won't be able to claim them anyway
10.01.2024 06:17:57 - easyrhino -
space marine 2 is only like a month old that's really impressive. / cries in low tier