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Gulf of Mexico

Do you have a hard limit for how much you're willing to spend on any game in early access? As in you'd never pay above this price for early access no matter what game it is?
kovec - 10.07.2024 22:48:17
A game i had wishlisted went into EA for $30 USD. I promptly removed it from my wishlist :/
bmurray75 - 10.08.2024 00:14:01
Yeah, $0. I have so many free games I could never play them all. Games I wanted I entered giveaways and won quite a few.
deciris - 10.08.2024 02:55:26
Probably $15-$20
Punished_Pyle - 10.08.2024 02:58:17
I don't want to get tied down to a game before the final business model is known. If the dev decides to lock up a bunch of content as DLC, then I'm stuck with a game I can't truly say I enjoy.
Zarddin - 10.08.2024 03:29:06
Early access = 0$ for me. I have so many games that I didn't play yet that I don't need to pay for games that are not completed.
Thalatash - 10.08.2024 05:13:12
It's a case by case thing for me. If the dev(s) are working hard by constantly improving the game and being involved with the community (and the game is fun, obviously) then $30 or more. But usually $10-15 max. Indie games need more support
HeinzHeinzmann - 10.08.2024 07:03:11
No, i really dont have. IF its a a game i really want to play as soon as possible, i would pay for it. Just imgagine an early access GTA VI :D
StompsDaWombat - 10.08.2024 11:10:23
I'd say my cap is around $20, but it really depends on the current state of the game, how committed the developers seem, the likelihood that the game will actually get finished, and if I really want to support the devs and their vision.
BlackbirdStark - 10.09.2024 02:41:08
Personally, I think buying into Early Access is a bit risky. You're basically paying to play a beta and the game isn't guaranteed to be finished, or the same as when you bought in. I'd be pretty conservative here.