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The Sheriff

MORE UPDATES 6.whatever
- Character counters and limits implemented for replies on Relays
- Steam API optimizations. Should see less updates skipped for both quests and events.
- Flux Artifact fixed. (Just in time...)
- Other various fixes
We had some delays this weekend with ARP due to a very high traffic promotion. ARP is all caught up now and should be flowing just fine. also, something cool next week is going to happen...
krishtian - 03.13.2024 23:43:39
Flux and just in time means new community event? Helldivers 2? :)
blalilulelo - 03.13.2024 23:56:11
Not even a little hint on that cool thing coming? Yey for fixes.
Rubee3n - 03.14.2024 08:04:13
H`erkow Plasma Chamber or pn 295?? Pleaseeee
MegaMaxedStone - 03.15.2024 06:28:00
please add option to hide users on rekay