
Beep Boop

C&W Day 1 - Match it! is bugged.
Quest only gives 5 ARP while it says you'll get 7 ARP after completion.
0 / 240
02.05.2024 12:28:13 - PJ_awp007 -
Same here
02.05.2024 12:30:34 - Ilyesagg -
Me too
02.05.2024 12:49:07 - maramire -
That is not even on my account today.
02.05.2024 14:41:55 - Reiatsu -
They haven't fixed twitch issues for 2 weeks now, this wont probably be fixed anytime soon.
02.06.2024 09:45:19 - brao98 -
me too