Is there a timer somewhere or a line in the code showing when my artifact slot unlocks so I can change it.
I put the wrong one in and I'm not sure at what time tonight I'll be able to change it.
/ 240
03.25.2024 20:27:30 -
ppavee -
It takes 24h to change an artifact in a slot. After 24h the feature might bug and you still can't change it. For me changing the domain has helped e.g. replace "eu.alienwarearena" to "na.alienwarearena".
03.25.2024 23:43:53 -
aliencal -
Yes, I know it takes 24hr. thats tonight. I just dont remember when. I am looking for a timer I missed or perhaps the change time is in the code as a unix var so I can convert and know when I changed them. A visible timer would be handy
03.25.2024 23:47:31 -
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ -
In case if you are on Discord server, you can find something called ᴍᴇɢᴜꜱᴄʀɪᴩᴛ|AWA Artifact Equip Timer