Apex Legends Peacekeeper Reload Bug - What Causes It and How to Fix it

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Apex Legends Peacekeeper Reload Bug - What Causes It and How to Fix it?



Apex Legends has got a boatload of awesome weaponry for players to cycle through, though few seem to enjoy as much attention as the lever-action Peacekeeper coil shotgun does. Some might even recall calls of nerfing the thing, even.

Apex Legends Peacekeeper reload bug might just be karma doing its thing, then, but even so, it'd be nice if the developers could get to the bottom of being unable to reload the gun as soon as possible.


How to Fix Apex Legends Peacekeeper Reload Bug?



Apex Legends Peacekeeper Reload Bug - What Causes It and How to Fix it?



A substantial number of players who enjoy using the Peacekeeper also employ the infamous reload-cancelling technique (demonstrated in the video at the bottom of this article), which allows them to essentially double the firing rate of the weapon. Sadly, as of late, Peacekeeper has also been getting bugged, making the player using it unable to reload the gun at all.

According to bug reports, the issue occurs seemingly at random, and is triggered by various Peacekeeper reload cancelling animations, such as climbing a ledge or even using the fast-firing technique described above. The only way to fix it on your end is for you to drop the weapon on the floor and pick it up, which means you'll also have to pick up attachments, too.

As it stands, Respawn Entertainment hasn't commented on this bug, but given the number of reports they must be getting as of late, one can only hope it's going to be looked at.

Among other news, it may be surprising for you to hear that Apex Legends has reached 50 million players way faster than Fortnite did, back when it was new.


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