CATO: Buttered Cat - Release Trailer | Release on September 6

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Cat lands always on all fours + Toast lands always buttered = Paradox = Anti-Gravity = CATO: Buttered Cat, the puzzle-platformer ??? CATO: Buttered Cat will officially be launched on Steam on September 6th! The game will be available at a 10% discount for the first two weeks, with a post-discount price of $9.99 (USD). #platformer #cats #indiegame #catobutteredcat #cato
Replies • 8

Not sure I'm rocking with the gameplay. I'm glad they're showing it off since there was a trailer that was pretty much about mocking other studios.


My cat was not as enthusiastic about a melted pad of butter on his back.

Lord of Flies

I'm so happy I got this game from the Game Vault. It's so fun and cute. Thanks Alienware Team.