Tomb raider iv-iv remastered for beta testing Key? I was lucky enough to get a key for tomb raider, but it looks like it was a beta testing key, has this happened to anyone else?
VenturousGamer - 02.21.2025 18:10:39
It'll suggest it's merely a beta but it's the full game. But you should expect updates overtime.
Bdap_ - 02.21.2025 18:12:00
Ok, thanks for answer
MegaMaxedStone - 02.21.2025 18:12:42
use your brain, "for Beta Testing" doesn't mean that the "testing" will ever expire since 1. It's a permanent key for testers and 2. This game never had a public beta test, only private.
krishtian - 02.21.2025 18:47:44
beta testing means you've got a key directly from developer that meant for own use and not for sale
TurdFerguson87 - 02.21.2025 19:19:45
@VenturousGamer This doesn't mean that it's the full game in principle. It's a license for whatever they have for that particular manifest. A full game is a different license with its own set.
TurdFerguson87 - 02.21.2025 19:20:50
@MegaMaxedStone incorrect. Some beta keys over time can be revoked. I've had this happen to me more times than I can count.