Hive members having boosted ARP rates is kind of sad because it discourages watching the other streams which have way less viewers
AshesOfThePast - 09.14.2024 17:32:34
It hasn't been 'boosted'; it's the same rate as before. The difference is that others (non-Hive) had their rate slowed, which forces us to watch Hive streamers, most of whom stream during NA time zones.
AshesOfThePast - 09.14.2024 17:35:25
The rest of the world is back to square one with this incompetent change, I hope they'll reconsider and revert it.
The_Badger._. - 09.14.2024 18:20:42
The boost is 100% a lie, it's just the usual rate as before, but now other members are slowed like crazy, been watching this "partner" streamer for 1h30m and my points are at 24/30 it's craaazy slow.
FLYeRNeT - 09.14.2024 21:00:46
you are true not hive are too long and often there no hives available :( :( :(
Reiatsu - 09.14.2024 21:08:15
Such a bad change lmao, I might reconsider even doing the twitch quests, this is pathetic
overlordvulcan - 09.15.2024 06:42:04
Bad decision after bad decision
Tabbou - 09.15.2024 06:44:11
I quite agree, I always watch small streamers
louvelyn - 09.15.2024 11:28:59
It's only an "issue" tbh if you're at the timezones most of the Hive members usually stream. The real issue before, was that sometimes there was no one at all available, and Nexus kindly solved that. :<
louvelyn - 09.15.2024 11:30:39
As for why, well.. Hive members have a more constraining contract with AW than the partners, so it makes sense they would also be getting better returns for it?
fraise36 - 09.15.2024 13:55:59
This is exactly what I feared, what a deception! Very bad change :/