KF 3 gone in 0.1 seconds xD
iGnome - 03.21.2025 20:07:17
Yep, i saw the out of stock status updating for both yakuza and KF3, while being UNABLE to merely open the div to buy a game. No white screen error, but terrible lag preventing to open inner popup. Again those who got key were script kiddys
Exacustodian - 03.21.2025 20:08:43
00:25 seconds i got the key for killing floor ,idk 0.1 sound kinda.... 25 seconds or maybe 20 more realistic
Milkyshakes - 03.21.2025 22:53:52
yeah naw i can back this up. Soon as 4:00 hit (EST for me) legit 3 seconds in tryna do the google chrome trick said out of stock