The bug is still there. 0 ARP earned today even though I reached the limit. Anyone else facing the same issue?
Roanmar - 03.28.2024 08:45:44
me to, 0 ARP Earned
Levigesis - 03.28.2024 08:46:08
Yes same.
callevia - 03.28.2024 08:50:37
I earned 0 ARP today and I have done the discord, the minigames and twitch
StompsDaWombat - 03.28.2024 09:07:58
Yeah, it's lagging again/still. Hopefully they get it sorted because it really mucks up swapping around Artifacts, since you may not get credited the bonus ARP if you don't have an Artifact equipped when the ARP finally registers.
Vigi1 - 03.28.2024 09:59:23
If you look at daily leaderboard you'll see that nonone got any arp today. It's not lag, it's completly dead. Again.
dendendededen - 03.28.2024 12:12:50
Same here, I'm bugged as well.
LaNeTH - 03.28.2024 13:07:37
Indeed after doing all quests, 0 ARP gained today. Are we going to get it later or is it just gone forever?
aaronm32 - 03.28.2024 13:12:37
Same for me and also no fragments earned from today's calendar reward.
cebolletagames - 03.28.2024 13:41:50
We will have to wait for a fix, don't know if they will give us the "lost" ARP.
rokocoko - 03.28.2024 14:42:28
Still bugged today.