
The Burning Vengeance

What happens if I already have the Flux artifact? Do I get a copy of it or do I get points?
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09.12.2024 11:52:33 - atfixteam -
I would like to know that too.
09.12.2024 12:08:32 - CurseTheseMetalHands -
They said you get 50 ARP instead. :)
09.12.2024 12:57:12 - Punished_Pyle -
It rips a hole in the space-time continuum.
09.14.2024 11:18:14 - louvelyn -
You'll get 50ARP instead. But that's only if we reach the 80k hours in time, so please do make sure to keep playing after you've made your mandatory 8h still :)