I have some personalization items in my inventory that I can equip but can't save, like the presidential jacket. Anyone knows why?
aVoidDrama - 03.29.2024 14:21:43
I have the same issue
leonaevelionheart - 03.29.2024 14:22:27
I have the same issue, too. And I didn't remember bought them. I think maybe they were generated by some kind of bugs?
Educhico - 03.29.2024 14:27:58
I didn't buy any item, they were just there. But I seemed to own them, like these I equipped, so...
leonaevelionheart - 03.29.2024 14:30:28
Furthermore, I bought the "Water Ribbons" but can't save after equip it. Maybe it is affected by another item called "Ribbon Water Powers". It is also automatically appeared in my inventory.
BrandonUzumaki - 03.29.2024 15:12:04
Yeah, those items are bugged, they were there even on the old site lol.
Fruit Punch Samurai - 03.29.2024 16:39:07
Basically, the correct free starter items are supposed to be: combover hair, white t-shirt, beard stubble, ripped jeans, and brown sandals. The other phantom stuff is added to all accounts by some bug that will never go away.
DementedPR - 03.29.2024 16:55:05
The same with me.
Marayak - 03.29.2024 17:26:01
I have the same issue with alien cupid and space bunny, but I think one of them I get from some kind of event. I don't remember which one. I think this event happened when they changed the avatar system years ago.
hataken - 04.01.2024 07:05:28
malkamar - 04.01.2024 09:14:10
I cant get anything to equip it seems like?