Anyone here actually win a community giveaway, or is it just the bots? Haven't seen anyone post their excitement for winning yet. Feel free to post below & brag
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03.30.2024 12:24:53 - rokocoko -
No, just the sad announcement that I was not the one... again.
03.30.2024 17:35:52 - MysteriousMrX -
I've heard a few people mention winning; though, unfortunately, they were only mentioning it because the automated system incorrectly flagged them as not having activated their wins and barred them from entering more giveaways.
03.30.2024 17:51:13 - cAMPer069 -
@MysteriousMrX Update on the situation: I couldn't join the giveaways because the giveaways were restricted and allow only for few countries. I could join other giveaways now.
03.31.2024 10:51:09 - Offlife -
never. Never
03.31.2024 18:54:33 - Minervain -
From what I can see there are less than 100 closed giveaways so far (93), maybe there'll be more bragging as we go along. I won one almost a month ago now (thanks to the giver!), and could join other giveaways afterwards. Wiee, bragging ;-)
03.31.2024 19:33:34 - Stygiansilence -
@Minervain Nice, what game?
03.31.2024 22:24:26 - Minervain -
@Stygiansilence I won Necesse, but haven't tried it yet. There were some reviews comparing it to Terraria, which I liked, so I'll see how I like it later.