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02.08.2024 12:47:39 -
krishtian -
Next time go through quests or relogin
02.08.2024 15:52:51 -
Thunder_Chief -
Seconded. Relogging usually fixes these issues. Also with the Daily Calendar. I often find the calendar has not advanced after the rollover, so relogging fixes that. Even on week rollovers, as I have had the week calendar just stop counting
02.08.2024 15:54:19 -
Punished_Pyle -
Goomba Girl posted a workaround in another thread: just manually increment the quest number in the URL, so, for instance, quest 5011 would become 5012, and so forth. Won't work today, though, as the 24 hour window has passed (happened to m
02.08.2024 20:48:38 -
punkycrash -
Same happen to me but since day 1. I lost 3 day of ARP :(