Electronic Arts and Petroglyph announced Command & Conquer and Red Alert remasters

  • 1218

A month ago, we told the Command & Conquer ™ community about our plans to re-launch the series on a PC, starting with an updated version of one of the games. Fans gladly took the news and began to share their favorite memories of C & C over the past 23 years. We have carefully reviewed your comments. Now we are ready to tell you what constitutes the first sentence for the PC and how your recommendations affect our work.

Today, I am pleased to announce that we are back to basics. We decided to release an updated version of the game Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn. This is great news, but the community is also looking forward to hearing about the Red Alert universe. We will also release an updated version of the original Command & Conquer: Red Alert ™. But what about the classic add-ons Covert Ops, Counterstrike and Aftermath? C & C and Red Alert are impossible to imagine without them, so all three add-ons bundled with the main games will be presented as one updated collection, so that you don’t have to make additional purchases.

Over the past month, we have heard not only words of approval and support in connection with the restart of the series, but also healthy skepticism about the success of this idea. How can I release an updated version, while retaining the original impressions of the classic game? The best way to achieve this is to take in a team of talented developers who participated in the creation of original games.

This question has interested fans for many years, and now I am excited to announce that EA will be developing an updated C & C collection along with Petroglyph Games.


Petroglyph Games employs many developers from Westwood Studios, including some key members of the team that created Command & Conquer in 1995. Joe Bostic is one of the authors of C & C, as well as leading developer of Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. Steve Tall joined Joe as lead developer for Red Alert, and Mike Legge was responsible for all aspects of sound design at Westwood, where he has been working since 1986! In 2003, all three participated in the creation of the Petroglyph Games after the closure of Westwood. They will be joined by an RTS development team with more than 15 years of experience. And do not think that we did not pay attention to the most popular request of the community, which met in all the comments for the last month ... You are waiting for Frank Klepacki. We have prepared a gift for fans. We are pleased to announce that Frank will rejoin Petroglyph Games to become a composer and sound producer of the updated collection!

From myself I can add that the last few weeks have been fantastic. When I first visited Petroglyph, I was able to discuss the C & C atmosphere with Jo, listen to Frank reading the special forces replicas, and chat with Steve about the features of the AI ​​combine at Tiberian Dawn. Discussion of C & C with the developers of the original series was one of the most vivid impressions for a game lover like me. I look forward to continuing fascinating conversations.

In addition to the stunning Petroglyph team, our partners will be Lemon Sky Studios, whose staff will help create original games in a luxurious 4K resolution. Lemon Sky is one of the best art studios in the world that specializes in creating updated versions of the classic RTS games. We met with their team and found out that they adore C & C. We are very lucky that they will unite with Petroglyph in an effort to make the quality of C & C the highest.

The most interesting is that we have not yet begun the development process. We want to involve the community in the very early stages of the project. You have a real opportunity to influence the creation of updated versions. Continue to post comments on Reddit and community channels to help us create the best updated versions of C & C and Red Alert!

Welcome back, Commander!

Replies • 19

От винта!

Fantastic. But being EA... I'm sure they will manage to f### whole project up somehow.


game video like movie screen . its fun// INTEREST how they doo in new game?...


make a good C&C and dont give us an other C&C4 this one was really not like the game we wanted it to be


Это самая лучшая новость за последние 25 лет о выходе Remaster версии столь значимых для многих франшизы, как C&C и почившей Westwood Studios