I was waiting the whole month for Lorelei and the Laser Eyes. We had that big problem last Saturday where somehow people managed to claim some keys while the rest of us didn't. Now I'm in time for the new date they set. And not even a minute later the game is out of stock. This feels like a big fuck off in my face and like a total turn off.
Grez1 - 07.22.2024 20:11:34
Yeah, and on top of that, I went to post in Relays and it the form errors out with some kind of token issue, so I can't even submit a new post...only reply to current ones. Garbage code. Scripters are the only ones who get games.
pygmygoat - 07.22.2024 21:57:34
They probably had very few keys left after the screw up on Friday but they still decided to go ahead with the vault and give us the illusion that we had a chance. They don't value our time, but that's nothing new for AWA.
pygmygoat - 07.22.2024 22:04:22
@Grez1 lol. Can't rule out that they disabled new Relay posts intentionally to reduce the amount of complaints. They like to bury their heads in the sand and gloss over problems. They have no incentive to really fix anything.
Niizawa - 07.22.2024 22:12:26
The gold load was conspicuous because it was stolen until it was completely gone, and there was no way those two were not conspicuously stolen.
BrandonUzumaki - 07.22.2024 22:56:30
Worst part is that the T4 Gold Road was actually the Collection that includes all previous chapters, not the upgrade, so a lot of people missed out on it again, because the Vault was saying it was only the upgrade.
BrandonUzumaki - 07.22.2024 22:59:31
But that was an error on Zenimax part at least, since they sent the keys claiming it was just the upgrade, so AWA had no clue.
MysteriousMrX - 07.23.2024 00:02:29
@Grez1 if you logout and login again it should fix the CSRF token issue.
Grez1 - 07.23.2024 05:30:35
@MysteriousMrX - thanks, I'll do that :)
Rubee3n - 07.23.2024 06:38:59
What they are going to achieve is that we legal users get tired and stop entering, which will reduce their traffic on the Internet
thedoktor - 07.25.2024 07:55:25
Happens all the time on Vault time. A few keys of the games we want and more than 10k people trying to get them. The fact is, even without issues, your chances are low to get them. Lower your expectations with AWA.