DATA LEAK - Dell customers The damage is done, but change your passwords immediately and e-mail address
if possible.
Don't forget to enable the 2FA system.
YorgunOyuncu - 05.10.2024 01:17:20
If this were necessary, admins would be informed through the discord server and relay until the notification was sent by e-mail.
BOB6969696969 - 05.10.2024 02:37:12
YOUR 2FA WONT WORK i never get a text and im verizone? so its on your guys end
maayakins - 05.10.2024 03:01:32
Not to downplay the issue or the importance of taking precautions and safety in regards to your personal information/account, but you would actually have to physically MOVE at the least to minimize impact from the sample leak
AllTracTurbo - 05.10.2024 04:13:04
I just signed into Dell and it sent me a 2 factor email even though I have never enabled it in the past, so it looks like they are reacting.
Punished_Pyle - 05.10.2024 04:58:36
So is that all the sudden reason for the forced 2FA login?
TurdFerguson87 - 05.10.2024 15:09:44
I don't think passwords have anything to do with it, especially with that your article doesn't mention it was a breach that divulged that info. It seems to be about the business end. The only email I got was the email 2FA.
ⓞⓤⓣⓢⓘⓓⓔⓑⓞⓧ - 05.11.2024 10:38:24
(2) BUT seven digits code consisting of 0-9 numbers and consonants (24) means there are 42,072,307,200 permutations. And 42,072,307,200 divided by 5,000 tries/secund means 8,414,461 secunds or 97 days. Not 3 weeks like he stated.